Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Laurent Amsaleg

  • was a reviewer for TPAMI in 2013;

  • was a reviewer for Information Systems in 2013;

  • was a reviewer for Multimedia Tools and Applications in 2013;

  • was a program committee member of ICMR 2013;

  • was a program committee member of MMM 2013;

  • was a program committee member of CBMI 2013;

  • was a program committee member of ICME 2013;

  • was a program committee member of SISAP 2013;

  • was a program committee member of SITIS 2013.

Vincent Claveau

  • is a member of the editorial board of the journal Traitement Automatique des Langues;

  • is a board member of Association pour la Recherche d'Information et Applications;

  • was a program committee member of Conf. francophone en Traitement automatique des langues naturelles, France;

  • was a program committee member of Conf. en Recherche d'Information et Applications, Switzerland;

  • was a program committee member of ISCA/IEEE Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia, France;

  • was a reviewer for the journal BioInformatics;

  • was a reviewer for the journal Technique et Science Informatique;

  • was a editorial committee member of the special issue Fouille de Données et Humanités Numériques of the RNTI journal;

  • was a reviewer for Hubert Curien program.

Teddy Furon

  • was an associate editor for IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security;

  • was an associate editor for Elsevier Digital Signal Processing Journal;

  • was an associate editor for Hindawi Scientific World Journal;

  • was a member of the IEEE Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee;

  • was a program committee member of IHMMSEC 2013;

  • was a program committee member of CMS 2013;

  • was a program committee member of WIFS 2013.

Guillaume Gravier

  • is president of the administration council of the French-speaking speech communication association (AFCP);

  • is the coordinator of the Special Interest Group Speech and Language in Multimedia of the Intl. Speech Communication Association;

  • is a member of the informal coordination group of the Mediaeval benchmarking initiative;

  • was a member of the steering committee of Interspeech 2013, in charge of tutorials, special sessions and program coordination;

  • was the general chair of the ISCA/IEEE Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia;

  • was a program committee member of ACM Conf. on Multimedia;

  • was a program committee member of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia Signal Processing;

  • was a program committee member of ISCA Intl. Workshop on Non-Linear Speech Processing;

  • was a program committee member of Interspeech;

  • was a program committee member of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo;

  • was a program committee member of Intl. Workshop on Content-based Multimedia Indexing;

  • was a program committee member of Intl. Language Resources and Evaluation Conf.;

  • was a program committee member of GRETSI;

Patrick Gros

  • is scientific officer of the Inria research center of Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique, and thus member of the executive board of the center;

  • is a member of the scientific board of Université européenne de Bretagne;

  • is a member of the Evaluation Board of Inria;

  • was appointed as an expert by the French National Agency;

  • was a program committee member of the Intl. Conf. on Creative Content Technologies, Spain;

  • was a program committee member of Conférence en Recherche d'Information et Applications, Switzerland;

  • was a Technical Program Committee member of the European Signal Processing Conf.  Morocco;

  • was a program committee member of the ACM Int. Conf. on Multimedia Retrieval, USA;

  • was a program committee member of Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Data Mining, Germany;

  • was a program committee member of the MUSCLE Intl. Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding, Turkey;

  • was a program committee member of GRETSI workshop, France.

Hervé Jégou

  • has co-organized a tutorial on Large-Scale Visual Recognition at CVPR 2013;

  • was a program committee member of CVPR 2013;

  • was a program committee member of ICCV 2013;

  • was a program committee member of CBMI 2013;

  • was a program committee member of CORESA 2013;

  • was a program committee member of FGCV 2013;

François Poulet

  • was a program committee member of VINCI'2013;

  • was a program committee member of AusDM'2013;

  • was a program committee member of KDIR'2013;

  • was a program committee member of KICSS'2013;

  • was a program committee member of IC3K'2013;

  • is a reviewing committee member of AKDM, Springer;

  • was a reviewer for DAMI, Data Mining, Springer;

  • was a reviewer for IJSS, International Journal of System Science;

  • was a reviewer for RNTI, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information;

Christian Raymond

  • is a member of the editorial board of the journal Discours;

  • was a member of the organization committee of ISCA/IEEE Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia;

  • was a program committee member of Interspeech;

  • was a reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Speech, Language an Audio Processing;

  • was a reviewer for the Journal Traitement Automatique des Langues;

  • was a program committee member of Conf. francophone en Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles;

  • was a program committee member of Intl. Conf. on Machine Learning and Applications.

Pascale Sébillot

  • was a member of the program committee of Conf. francophone en Traitement automatique des langues naturelles, France;

  • was a member of the program committee of Workshop on Distributional Semantics, France;

  • was a member of the program committee of Conf. Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle, France;

  • was a member of the program committee of ISCA/IEEE Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia, France;

  • is a member of the permanent steering committee of Conf. francophone en Traitement automatique des langues naturelles

  • is an editorial committee member of the Journal Traitement Automatique des Langues;

  • was a member of the reading committee of several issues of the Journal Traitement Automatique des Langues.